Looking for a way to engage beginning students in French in the language? I spent several years looking for a show that was entirely in French, but that was suitable for beginners. I found that in Téléfrançais.
Téléfrançais is a Canadian TV show designed for kids learning French. The 30 ten-minute episodes are available for free on YouTube. These worksheets help students more easily follow along, better comprehend the language of the all-French show, retain more of what they hear, and stay more focused.
What's Included
- A single, black-and-white PDF file
- A half-page worksheet for each of the 30 Téléfrançais episodes (printed two per page)
- An answer key that appears directly after each worksheet
The Content
- Each worksheet includes around 12 questions
- Question types are primarily multiple choice, matching, and short-answer questions with 1-2 word answers
- Questions and answers are mix of French and English
- It works well to introduce Téléfrançais after a few months of French I. I started them in the second quarter of the year.
- Students should be able to read and write comfortably to use these worksheets
More About Téléfrançais
The French-Canadian TV show has thirty 10-minute episodes available for free on YouTube. The show is dated, but it's one of my favorite resources for teaching French. I show it to my junior high and high school French I students starting in about the second quarter. As the school year goes on, they inevitably start singing along with the theme song. They always groan when they first see Pilote. They talk about how they miss Sophie when she leaves the show. Like I said, it's dated, but it engages students and really does help them learn French. And it's free!
I made this set of worksheets to help students follow along with the show. With these worksheets, students are able to better follow the action and language. I have used them for years, and they have been a hit with other teachers as well!
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Products from Blue and Gold Language are copyrighted to Blue and Gold Language, LLC and Carrie E. Gold. They may be used, reproduced, and/or repurposed for personal use only. They should not be shared (in digital or print form) for the use of others outside yourself, such as with other parents and teachers, though you may make multiple copies for your own use. Products may not be used commercially. When used in an educational context, one purchase of the product constitutes one license for the use of one individual teacher with their own current students only.